Ways To Financially Prepare For Your Funeral Arrangements

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One of the tasks you have as an adult is to handle end-of-life planning. This can consist of everything from probate issues such as your will to final burial issues. For many people, planning their own funeral arrangements can be stressful. You may be concerned about the finances involved as well as about the emotions involved. You can help lessen both of these stressful issues by planning ahead. Here are some of the ways to prepare ahead for your funeral arrangements without breaking your budget. 

Burial Insurance

One way to plan ahead for your end-of-life funeral arrangements is to have burial insurance. Burial insurance can cover the expenses of your final funeral arrangements without having to use any savings or have family members pay. With burial insurance, you can sign over the policy to the funeral home of your choice. If you have a pre-planned funeral package, the burial insurance will cover that package. Any money left after the funeral is paid for will go to a beneficiary of your choosing. Burial insurance has a monthly premium amount that is often small and easy to include in a budget. 

Pre-Planned Funeral 

Many funeral homes and directors offer pre-planned funeral packages. These packages include the entire funeral service. They also include a graveside burial, casket, and headstone. If you choose to be cremated, the pre-planned funeral package includes the cremation and the urn. You can add to these packages or make special choices depending on the funeral you want. For this type of funeral planning you can either make payments to the funeral home or you can pay the full amount. You can then name someone to handle your estate. That person will be the direct contact for the funeral home when the time comes to move forward with your funeral plans. 

Savings Account

If you do not want burial insurance and the thought of pre-planning makes you feel emotionally uneasy, you can always start a savings account. You should estimate how much you believe your funeral would cost. You can get a decent idea of going rates for a basic funeral by looking at pre-planned packages and their costs. Once you have a price in mind, you can begin setting aside a certain amount per month toward the funeral cost goal. Make sure to note in your will that the money in the account is to pay for your funeral arrangements so the money can be properly allocated.

When you decide how you want to move forward with your funeral preparation plans, contact your local funeral home. They can walk you through the various steps in the preparation and planning process. If you have questions about certain aspects of your plan, they will be happy to answer those questions and help you with any special requests.
